Friday, August 2, 2013

August 2, 2013: "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Suess

I arrived home safely! Three months have passed and I have been to Brazil and back. Thank you to everyone who has supported me before, during, and after my trip! I am so grateful for all of your help and encouragement. Thank you especially to everyone who followed this blog, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester and Professora Vera, the Bueno Family and the Barra Family, and Lee and Sally Posey (the benefactors of my scholarship)! Though I will not be continuing this blog, it has fulfilled its purpose of being an account of the things that I experienced and learned. It will be such a useful tool for me to keep my memories alive and my experience fresh in my mind, as I return to Alma College for my sophomore year in a few weeks. I will be able to use it as a resource as I make decisions about ways in which to share my experience with the Alma College community and build on the knowledge that I gained in Brazil. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Ninety days later and time is up. Thank you to everyone for everything. I have been to so many places, learned so many things, made so many new friends and shared some more laughs with some old ones. My three months in Goiania was both short and long, but what is most important is what is in the middle and what will remain with me.

Saber Viver (To know how to live)

Não sei… Se a vida é curta (I don't know... If life is short)
Ou longa demais pra nós, (Or very long for us)
Mas sei que nada do que vivemos (But I know that nothing that we live)
Tem sentido, se não tocamos o coração das pessoas. (has feeling, if we do not touch peoples' hearts.)

Muitas vezes basta ser: (Many times it may simply be:)
Colo que acolhe, (An embrace that accepts)
Braço que envolve, (Arms that surround)
Palavra que conforta, (Words that comfort)
Silêncio que respeita, (Silence that respects)
Alegria que contagia, (Happiness that is contagious)
Lágrima que corre, (Tears that are flowing)
Olhar que acaricia, (A caressing look)
Desejo que sacia, (A wish that is satisfied)
Amor que promove. (Love that promotes)
E isso não é coisa de outro mundo, (And this is not a thing of another world)
É o que dá sentido à vida. (It is what gives meaning to life.)
É o que faz com que ela (It is what makes it)
Não seja nem curta, (neither short)
Nem longa demais, (nor very long)
Mas que seja intensa, (But intense)
Verdadeira, pura… Enquanto durar. (true, pure...while it lasts.)
Feliz aquele que transfere o que sabe e aprende o que ensina. (Happy the one who shares what he knows and learns what he teaches.)

Cora Coralina