Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13, 2013: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIANA!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiana and I on her birthday

Happy Birthday to my wonderful host mother Tiana! She is a beautiful, kind, and caring woman who has welcomed me into her home with open arms. I am so thankful for all that she has done for me and so happy that I have gotten to know her. I will miss her when I return home. To celebrate, the whole family, meaning THE WHOLE FAMILY (40+ people), went to a churrascaria! This is the best type of restaurant here in which the waiters bring many different kinds of meat to your table and you can eat as much as you want! We ate and talked and laughed for so long. It was very nice, especially now that I know the family a little better and that I can speak/understand more.
Parabens pra voce Tiana! (Singing Happy Birthday to Tiana)

My host family: Karen, Carlos Roberto, Tiana, and Thaynara

Some of the cousins!

Gislaine and Paulo <3

The little kids love to play with Thaynara's iPhone!

Pablyne and I :) Such a cutie!

Joyce and Jacke...does anyone believe they are twins?? I don't think that is possible...

Look!! Disney money! Thaynara carries this in her purse.

Claudia and I. Claudia is the person who made the best cupcakes for my last  day at Maternidade Nascer Cidadao.

Jacke's glasses!
Today was the first time Thaynara's new boyfriend Paulo Henrique met Thaynara's family. Now he and I both have so many new friends (including each other)! back: Loyane, Wendel, me, and Lorena; front: Thaynara and Paulo Henrique

The Human Body Exhibit

Before the birthday party, I saw the Human Body Exhibit with Dr. Mauro. It is an interesting yet extremely controversial exhibit of Plasticates. Plasticates??? What does that mean? Well, the bodies in the exhibits are real human bodies that were plasticated. This means that after being dissected in the desired manner and treated with acetone, they were treated with a process that makes them like silicon plastic. They are completely preserved and you can see every tendon and muscle and organ and bone that the artist/scientist has dissected. The bodies in the exhibit are posed according to the artist to best display the featured section of the body. Some are cut and some are whole but they are all without skin. The exhibit here in Goiania contains just a few things (pieces from the exhibit is displayed throughout the world) but honestly I think I saw enough. It was a little disconcerting to see, although the scientist in me wanted to keep staring all day until I got up the courage to touch one. The controversy (aside from the obvious fact that these are bodies!) stems from the question of where the bodies come from. According to the artist and his company, the bodies were donated but there is some evidence that they may have come from Chinese prisons. Some evidence has been found that the bodies are those of executed Chinese prisoners. There is no doubt when looking at the exhibit that the people were of Asian descent but this is because the place where the plasticates are produced is in China.