Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22, 2013: Day 13 at Maternidade Nascer Cidadao

 The total number of births that I have seen at Maternidade Nascer Cidadao rose to twenty-three today! This includes four cesareans and nineteen natural births. I have also learned a lot of Portuguese, so much that the nurses have begun to tell me that by the end of three months here, I will return the the United States speaking Portuguese fluently.

I visited Erique today and got to hold him. He and his mother are both doing very well and will go home tomorrow. I also said goodbye to Isabela, a beautiful baby girl born on Monday, and her mother and grandmother as they were leaving the hospital. 

Erique and I, the day after he was born
Obstetric nurse Diego and I say goodbye to Isabela as she is leaving the hospital.