Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7, 2013: Day 2 at Maternidade Nascer Cidadao

Today at Maternidade Nascer Cidadao.....

First I went on rounds with the interns, checking up on the patients for the morning. Next, I shadowed the nurses while they took care of the women in labor and learned how to say things like "breath." When it was time, I was also allowed to observe the births. The first was a girl and the second a boy, both very cute! Then the nurses who were delivering the babies today asked me if I wanted to help more next time I watched. Though I am not quite sure what I would be able to do, it struck me again how willing everyone is to teach me whatever they are doing so I can participate as well. Once the deliveries were taken care of, other patients had arrived and the nurses taught me how to use a hand-held sonograph to listen to the baby's heart before he or she is born. Then, as the day was coming to an end yet again, I went to the nursery and got to feed one of the babies there.

If you couldn't already tell, today was a very busy day! It was much easier to understand non-English speakers as well, so hopefully that is a sign I am leaning quickly. I have the phrase "I do not speak Portuguese very well" down pat though, because many people mistake me for a nurse since I wear the same scrubs! Everyone is very kind though and just asks me where I am from, so now I am able to respond to that as well. However, on top of all the business, I was very tired because last night my friends from Brasilia were here in Goiania and they invited me to attend a Paul McCartney concert with them. It was part of his "Out There" tour through Brazil. The show was incredible and there were 48,000 people there. Paul McCartney sang many old Beetles songs and Wings songs and then came out for two encores at the end of the concert.

Entering the stadium where the concert was held took a long time since there were so many people.

We sat in the very back so this was my view of Paul McCartney, but the concert was definitely worth the trip!

The Finale...before the two encores

My friends from Brasilia, Louisa and her mom Janice, who took me to the concert