Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013: Welcome Anita

Where is my egg?
 My day began with a long drive with Sister Maria Jose to the prison to join in celebrating the mass they have there once a month for the workers. There were about twenty participants and the readings were about Jesus calming the storm when he and the disciples were in a boat. The priest gave a nice homily about the symbolism of the boat and said that the boat was like life and that everyone is just a traveler. Well, I can relate that is for sure! I have been away from home for two months now and though I am beginning to feel quite at home here in Brazil, it will never be the same as being at home. On the drive to and from the prison, Maria Jose was kind enough to let me practice reading in Portuguese with some of the books that I borrowed from the library. We both laughed a lot but I did learn about the accent marks and pronunciations of certain letters. Let's just say that the photo at the top is to show a book that is my speed. The title is Where is my egg?. I think O Pequeno Principe (The Petite Prince), though I can read the title, is a little bit advanced!

The Petite Prince

Today we welcomed another Sister of St. Joseph into the Sisters' house. Her name is Anita and she is from the United States and will be staying for a while with the Sisters. What a surprise for me it was to be the translator for once since she does not speak very much Portuguese!